Ayurvedic Remedies For Diabetes – How Good Are They?

Ayurvedic Remedies For Diabetes – How Good Are They?

Ayurvedic herbal remedies as a natural solution to diabetes

When a diabetic explores different options to deal with his or her condition, Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes are some of the better means to dealing with this illness, especially when an alternative approach is desired.

The condition known as diabetes presents itself in Ayurvedic medicine by the disorder of dosha body elements. As in all Ayurvedic philosophy of the body, an imbalance in the elements must be rectified in order to ensure healthy and sustainable living capacity. Diabetes affects the kapha, or earth, dosha, so that the herbal remedies for diabetes will put kapha disorder back into normal function.

Western medicine stresses the importance of maintaining proper diet for diabetics, and it is no different for Ayurvedic medicine. It is crucial that homemade remedies for diabetes start with cutting down on intake of sugars and simple carbohydrates-which are quickly turned into glucose by the digestive system-so that herbs will be allowed to take effect. As with all the best remedies for diabetes available through Ayurvedic medicine, the body will need extra vitamins in order to counter the dietary changes. As such, it is important for extra vegetables to be consumed in order to empower the change.

Herbal remedies for diabetes target the pancreas and the faulty production of insulin. As soon as a diagnosis of the condition is confirmed, natural remedies for diabetes can be taken to help configure and standardize the new effects on the digestion. The herb turmeric is an excellent addition to a dietary supplement, aiding in strengthening the weakened organs of diabetics, most notably the liver. Indeed, some find that turmeric can go so far as to lower the body’s requirements for insulin, perhaps even bringing their condition into stability. Gudmar herbs will assist the pancreas with assimilation and regulation of sugars, so that dietary overloads or accidental ingestion will not trigger an emergency reaction.

In some cases, it may not be enough to boost organ function-the entire system may need to be cleansed of impurities and toxins first. Home remedies for diabetes should not put the patient under heavy stress, so it is important not to use an intrusive cleansing product. In Ayurvedic medicine, a five-step treatment known as panchakarma is used for diabetes as well as other dosha related illnesses. Panchakarma includes natural, herbal, laxatives and enemas, nasal decongestion, and vomiting therapy. The natural cure for diabetes using panchakarma focuses mainly on vomiting in order to rid the body of toxins. Enemas given should be administered under strict supervision

While few diabetics can stomach pure fruit juice given the high sugar content, taking melon juice with rose apple leaves or bael fruit leaves on an empty stomach gives greater support to the pancreas, kidneys, and the liver. Likewise, bay leaf before meals will keep more sugar from being absorbed into the bloodstream, allowing it to pass naturally from the body.

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes can be helpful or even lifesaving to those who are searching for natural, holistic, solutions to their condition.